Aims and Objectives

- Give Hands targets to work for social development by youth mobilization.

- As a non-profit organization, Give Hands targets to organize different fund-raising campaigns to help and support people affected by natural disasters. 

- Give Hands aims to aware the local people about personal hygiene, cleanliness and sanitation of the environment. 

- Without being involved with any political party, Give Hands aims to conduct rallies and awareness program against social evils and crimes. 
- Give Hands also targets to organize interaction programs to help youth in mustering confidence and sovereignty. 

- Give Hands also aims in working with other NGOs and INGOs to conduct different programs for the betterment of the society. 

- In addition, Give Hands aims in helping the local authorities in maintaining a peaceful and co-operative environment in the society. 

- Give Hands targets to help or assist the orphans, differently-able and elders in every way possible. 

- Furthermore, Give Hands also aims at helping the women and people who have been victimized of human trafficking. 

- Give Hands also targets to raise voice against child labor and domestic violence.

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