Hello Everyone,
We are proud to announce that we have successfully registered our organization under legal privileges of our nation. We would like to congratulate everyone who had been waiting for this moment. We promise to serve our nation selflessly and request everyone to join us in our mission to work for our society. Anyone who would like to join hands with us can contact any of our executive members for membership. For easiness, here is the list of our board members with whom you can directly contact any time for membership details:
We are proud to announce that we have successfully registered our organization under legal privileges of our nation. We would like to congratulate everyone who had been waiting for this moment. We promise to serve our nation selflessly and request everyone to join us in our mission to work for our society. Anyone who would like to join hands with us can contact any of our executive members for membership. For easiness, here is the list of our board members with whom you can directly contact any time for membership details:
1. Prakash Pokhrel
Email:- pracaspro@gmail.com
Mobile Number:- 9860304260
2. Pawan Khatiwada
Email:- pwnkhat@gmail.com
Mobile Number:-9843707745
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